Welcome to the Library and Media Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg.
It´s a library for art studies, providing subject-specific literature and enabling a theoretical examination of historical and contemporary discourses in art. It contains around 29,500 publications and obtains current issues of around 30 specialist journals. The collection focuses on modern and contemporary art as well as photography and art theory; in addition, art historical works offer insights into the historical development of art. In addition, the library provides extensive old collections. The book collection is constantly expanded and adapted to the content of the courses offered.
Since October 2022, the library has been a member of the Working Group of Art and Museum Libraries (AKMB). In 2023, the library also joined the German Library Association (dbv). In addition, it was awarded 1st place in the "Libraries" category on UNICHECK.de in 2007.
The media library contains a collection of works of video art for research and teaching. The collection provides an overview of the central positions and issues in video art from its beginnings in the early 1960s to the present and is constantly being expanded to include current works. It has over 800 works. Approximately 240 feature films complement the collection.
Here you can find the flyer of the Library and Media Library.
The library and media library are open to all university members. For external visitors, please make an appointment in advance.
Please be considerate of each other and keep quiet. Bringing your own mobile devices is of course permitted.
Coats, jackets, bags and similar items may not be taken to the workstations and must be left in the library room at the entrance or in the lockers. Smoking and the consumption of food is not permitted; lockable beverage containers may be taken to the workstations by arrangement.
The library rooms are accessible without barriers.
The university accepts no liability for valuables brought into the library.
Click here for detailed usage regulations.
Click here for data protection regulations.
The current room plan can be downloaded here.
University memebers are allowed to borrow items. Returns are only possible during opening hours or by individual arrangement. Book loans for external users are currently not possible.
Interlibrary loans are not available. Please use the digital service (see below).
Journal subscriptions
The library offers a range of journal subscriptions:
Afterall, Arch+, Art, Art, Aurea, ArtForum, Camera Austria, Cargo Film, Eikon, Euro Photo, Eye, Frieze, Greif, Grey Room, Kritische Berichte, Kunst+Unterricht, Kunstforum, Künstler, Mac+I, Marzee, Monopol, October, Photonews, Sculpture, Slanted, Spike, System Magazine, Texte zur Kunst, Third Text
Literature and media research
on Site:
The library's holdings can be searched via a card catalog, more recent works via a library database on site. The holdings of the media library can be accessed on another computer.
Currently, retrocataloging and the integration of a new library system is being planned, so that in the future all holdings can be viewed from home via a publicly accessible online catalog (OPAC).
- Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
- Bibliothek des Germanischen Nationalmuseum Nürnberg
- Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg
- Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
On the Internet (self-registration):
Datenbanken Infosystem (DBIS)
The database infosystem is a service that lists scientific databases. The currently approx. 13,000 descriptions of databases are continuously updated and expanded cooperatively by more than 300 libraries, mainly from the German-speaking countries.
Internet Archives is a nonprofit library that contains millions of free books, movies, software, music, and websites.
Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog (KVK)
The Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog (KVK) is a meta-search engine for finding several hundred million media in library and bookstore catalogs worldwide. In addition to the classic KVK, there are other catalogs based on KVK technology.
Gateway Bayern (Datenbank des BibliotheksVerbundBayern)
The Gateway Bayern is the web portal of the BibliotheksVerbundBayern (BVB) and since 2007 also of the Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV). Currently, more than 150 libraries participate in the network. The Gateway Bayern lists more than 23 million titles and over 55 million titles from more than 23,000 journals.
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
DOAB is a community-driven search service that indexes and makes accessible peer-reviewed open access scholarly books and helps users find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
Google Books
On Google Books, you can read, download, cite, and translate books and journals. Some books are provided by publishers, while others have been scanned as part of the library program.
EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek)
Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek is one of the most comprehensive, free-access bibliographic databases on scientific electronic journals.
The ZDB points the way to journals, newspapers, series, databases and websites in German and Austrian libraries. It is created in cooperation with more than 4,000 libraries.
JSTOR is a New York City-based non-profit organization. It operates a fee-based online archive of the same name as a digital library of selected journals and scholarly books, as well as source collections.
KUBIKAT (Kunsthistorische Bibliotheksdatenbank)
kubikat is the joint library catalog of the German university-independent art history research institutes Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris and Bibliotheca Hertziana (MPI) Rome.
ADGC (Art Discovery Group Catalogue)
The ADGC provides an art-focused research experience within the OCLC WorldCat environment. Researchers can search this specialized subset of Worldcat data to refine a vast trove of art history literature held in an ever-growing number of the world's best art libraries.
RDK (Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte)
The Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte (RDK) is a reference work arranged in alphabetical order in paper and in digital form (online).
Bildindex der Kunst & Architektur (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg)
The web portal Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur makes images and scientific indexing information on buildings and works of art in Europe accessible. The image index includes 2 million images on art and architecture in 13 European countries.
The distributed digital image archive for research and education is a web-based image collection with over 2 million image files on art and archaeology. It is primarily intended for scholars and students of cultural history, especially art history and classical archaeology.
Fachportal arthistoricum.net (Fachinformationsdienst Kunst)
arthistoricum.net aims to provide a comprehensive record of art historical publications. Special attention is paid to the essay literature.
Semester apparatus
For all university seminars, semester holdings may be set up by the instructors in which literature is compiled that thematically addresses the content of the courses. This collection is exempt from loan during the semester.
It is also possible for students to set up handbooks in the library as part of their exam preparation.
Please contact us with your literature list.
Acquisition suggestions / book request
If a medium relevant to the university is not yet in the library's collection, it can be suggested for acquisition. All members of the AdBK can contact our team for this purpose.
Events / consultation hours
If required, the library offers individual tours and training (research and writing advice). These usually take place on Wednesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. Alternative appointments can be arranged. Please contact us in a timely manner for details.
The library and media library are presented every two years as part of Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften.
The library and media library offer the following technical equipment:
- Library research computer (with library catalog)
- 2x research computer media library
- Computer with DIN A4 scanner
- Bookeye 5 V2 scanner
- Copier with scanning function
- WLAN access
Our team (Theresa Koller, Sven Kupfer, Kati Schubin and Katharina Sedlmeyr) will be happy to assist you with questions regarding the use of the library and media library. Furthermore, we advise you regarding the stock and catalogs as well as content-related topics.
Öffnungszeiten Vorlesungszeit / vorlesungsfreie Zeit:
Montag – Donnerstag: 9 – 12 Uhr und 13 – 16 Uhr
Freitag: 9 – 14 Uhr
Geschlossen an Samstagen, Sonntagen und Feiertagen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die Öffnungszeiten kurzfristig ändern können. Aktuelle Änderungen werden rechtzeitig per E-Mail, auf der Homepage sowie am Bibliothekseingang bekannt gegeben.