Venture Team Culture
Central office for start-up support and culture at the Bavarian universities of the arts
As part of the HighTech Transfer Offensive Bavaria, the university contracts 2023 - 2027 include the establishment of a “Venture Team”, which is tasked with effectively bundling measures to promote start-ups and permanently establishing a new type of start-up culture at all six Bavarian universities of the arts.
The Venture Team Culture develops measures for the state-wide promotion of start-ups in the cultural and creative industries in the context of the “Kunsthochschule Bayern” university network. The funds were initially set up for five years in 2023 and are to be made permanent once the project goals have been achieved. The positions support the universities of the arts in developing and implementing a concept for establishing a comprehensive start-up culture, e.g. through courses, the establishment of start-up advice or networking with start-ups, other universities and funding institutions.
The team is based at LEONARDO - Zentrum für Kreativität und Innovation and supports all six state universities of the arts in Bavaria from there. LEONARDO is a joint project of the Nuremberg University of Music, the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts and the Georg Simon Ohm Nuremberg Institute of Technology, which networks already established structures in the areas of start-up support, transfer and innovation.
The Venture Team Culture consists of Joannie Baumgärtner and Ricarda Jacksch:
"Our mission is to support aspiring artists, filmmakers and musicians in their pursuit of creative self-realization by empowering them to achieve entrepreneurial success. We understand start-up support in its entire spectrum, from freelance solo self-employment to the exploration of new professionalization paths and markets to the founding of innovative start-ups in the creative industries."
Kunsthochschule Bayern
“Kunsthochschule Bayern” is the university association of the six Bavarian art academies founded on January 30, 2023. Its aim is to publicly represent the interests of professional art education in Bavaria with a strong voice. Its tasks include cooperation on cross-university projects, the development of joint positions on cross-university positions and cultural policy issues as well as cooperation with the Free State of Bavaria. Alongside “Universität Bayern e.V.” and “Hochschule Bayern e.V.”, “Kunsthochschule Bayern” is one of three strong alliances that represent the interests of art and science.
Bavarian High-Tech Transfer Campaign
The “Hightech Transfer Bayern” offensive is an application strategy for the Hightech Agenda Bayern. The transfer offensive strengthens the ecosystem for innovative start-ups from universities and promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology from science to industry and society.