What is a picture and how does it originate? How and where does it gain meaning? Where does form stop and content begin and can we keep the two apart in the first place? What is the relationship between the illusionist and physical space? Where is the threshold between picture and space, space and narrative, exhibition and architecture, architecture and film? And where exactly do the boundaries run between drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and installation? Fundamental questions about the nature of the picture can soon lead beyond the boundaries of genres. Beyond and between genres not only can we often better identify, but also and above all redefine and develop.
Students in the 'Fine Art with focus on painting' class thus work variously in the media of painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, video, photography, computer, text, sound, performance and all imaginable intermediate stages. They explore the effects and combination options in a creative space, linking them with aesthetical, socio-cultural and political contexts.
Characteristic of the course work method is a promising relation between the exploration of collective production approaches in the form of joint projects and the key development of personal artistic positions accompanied by critical support.
The underpinning idea is to cultivate the class and academy format as live potential for exploring the possibilities of collective and individual experience. In an attempt to activate this potential it may be expedient to perceive the course and academy itself as an artistic medium and material and explore individual needs and issues experimentally within its creative space and bounds.
Regular lectures and workshops with invited artists, art communicators and excursions are an established part of study. Detailed documentation of the class exhibitions and projects since the winter semester 2012/13 can be viewed at galerieduglas.de.
Before applying for the portfolio advice sessions published on the academy website, we recommend applicants to come and introduce themselves in class or contact the professor directly at hakimi@adbk-nuernberg.de. Study of art education is possible in the course.
Prof. Michael Hakimi
Klasse für Freie Kunst mit Schwerpunkt Malerei
Pavillon 25
Website of the class: galerieduglas.de