Scholarships for students and graduates

The DAAD is the world's largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and academics. It supports all German universities as a partner for internationalization.
Detailed information on DAAD programs and funding opportunities can be found directly on the DAAD website. The contact for the DAAD Award for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students is the International Office of the Academy of Fine Arts.


The university program ERASMUS (European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) promotes study abroad and guest lectureships, as well as internships abroad and the mobility of university staff. Interested university staff can find further information at the International Office.
According to the funds of the European Commission, participants in the Europe-wide program can be granted a scholarship for the duration of their stay at a European partner university.
In Germany, the distribution of funds to the universities is carried out by the Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD). 

The European Commission has awarded the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg the European Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the support of students.
The individual scholarships are granted and paid by the AdBK Nuremberg. The amount of the monthly scholarship depends on the available funds and the number of participating students in a year.

> Erasmus Infoblatt

PIC Number: 947661095
Organisations-ID: E10188666
ECHE-Ref. Number: 210410-EPP-1-12014-1-DE-EPPKA3-ECHE


The PROMOS program supports study visits, internships and language courses.

Currently there are 3 cooperations with Ecuador, Japan and Israel. These are marked in color on the list of partner universities.
The funding rates are based exclusively on the country-specific DAAD flat rates for travel expenses.

If you decide to stay at a university that does not have a cooperation with the AdBK, it is the student's responsibility to organize the study or stay at the host university on his/her own.

Studienreisen von Studierenden
Stays of a maximum duration of 12 days can only be supported with a flat rate of 30,- € per person and day for trips to EU countries. For all other countries the flat rate is 45,- € per person and day. The trip must be accompanied by at least one university representative. The accompanying university representatives can also be supported by the residence allowance.

 For more detailed information, please consult the info sheet.
> Promos Infoblatt 


With funds from the German Federal Foreign Office, the DAAD offers universities a combined scholarship and support program (STIBET). Regarding STIBET, the universities are provided with funds for the awarding of scholarships and for the professional and social support of foreign students, as well as funding for selected innovative individual measures aimed at improving cooperation between the local institutions involved in providing support.
The goal of STIBET is to contribute to improving the academic success of foreign students.
The AdBK Nuremberg uses these funds to finance Erasmus buddies who assist our international students throughout the semester. With their help, the international students' introduction to academy life is made easier and they are offered contact persons for their entire study stay.
It is also used to finance German courses for international students. The Language Center of the TH is responsible for the implementation.
For more information, please contact the International Office of the AdBK Nuremberg.
> Stibet Infoblatt


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International Office

Erasmus+, PROMOS and Stibet Programs

The Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg promotes the international exchange of students and university staff and cooperates with numerous art academies worldwide. This gives academy students in particular the opportunity to complete part of their studies or internships abroad. Currently, the academy maintains about twenty partnerships with partner universities.

The International Office supports students of the Academy who wish to study abroad at a partner university. It coordinates the international activities of the Academy and advises students on the planning and implementation of their study stay or internship, as well as interested university staff on the implementation of international projects, the organization of guest lectureships or mobilities.
Experience reports and advice can be found at the International Office. For more detailed information about mobilities, please consult us or the official website of Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes.


Claudia Rieber
International Office
Telefon: +49 911 9404116


Veronika Suicer
International Office - Incomings 
Telefon: +49 911 9404106


Open consultation hour for international students: Wednesdays from 9.00 – 10.00 am in room 3.2

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Artistic Classes

first cycle and postgraduate programmes

Art Education

Subject Art for secondary schools

Live Art Forms

Performative Practices Master's Program


equipment, techniques, programs

Study Grant Programs

Scholarships, sponsorships and awards

University calendar

range of couses at the AdBK Nürnberg

International Office

Erasmus+, PROMOS and Stibet Programs

Courses and guidance

range of courses and course guidance services

Application and Acceptance Process

How to apply at the AdBK Nürnberg

Deadlines for application

Apply until April 15th 2025, 12:00 noon


titles, theses, arguments





the oldest academy in german speaking area


Sep Ruf and Hascher Jehle Architecture


scientific and artistic practice

Commitees and representatives

academic government


central facilities

University administration


teaching personnel

artistic & scientific employees

Equal Opportunities, Inclusion and Diversity

Mission Statement of the AdBK Nuremberg



Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg

Bingstr. 60, 90480 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 911 9404 0

Fax: +49 911 9404 150

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Opening hours


Opening Hours:

lecture period: Monday till Friday, 7.30 a.m.-7 p.m. / Saturday  9 a.m.-1 p.m.

lecture break: Monday till Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. / Friday, 8 a.m.- 2.30 p.m.


Opening Hours:

Monday till Thursday, 8-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m. / Friday, 8-12 a.m. and 1-2.30 p.m.


Opening Hours:

Monday till Friday, 8-12 a.m.

Fridays by phone only

Examination Office/ International Office

Opening Hours:

Monday till Thursday, 9-12 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Opening Hours:

lecture period/ lecture break:
Monday till Thursday: 9–12 a.m. and 1–4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.– 2 p.m.
closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.
Please note that the opening hours may change at short notice. Current changes will be announced in time by e-mail, on the homepage and at the library entrance.


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