Students of the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg who decide to study abroad are supported by various programs.
Stays abroad at the partner academies in Aix-en-Provence, Budapest, Cuenca, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Krakow, Palermo, Riga, Urbino and Vienna are supported by the Freunden der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg e. V.. Additionally, the European Union subsidizes the Erasmus mobility program with scholarships by Socrates.
The Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst is responsible for promoting the internationalization of German universities. The DAAD offers a wide range of different scholarship programs to students and graduates who are planning a study or research stay abroad. Depending on the field of study, the progress of the studies or the destination country, students can choose from specific funding opportunities.
The Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk promotes intercultural exchange between Germany and France. It supports study stays of German students in France with a monthly contribution.
The Deutsch-Amerikanische Fulbright-Programm realizes the vision of U.S. Senator J. Willkiam Fulbright by aiming to promote mutual understanding between the United States and Germany through academic and cultural exchange. A special focus is placed on student exchange.
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