Зверніть увагу, що, як школа мистецтв, ми можемо запропонувати навчання лише в галузі образотворчого мистецтва та графічного дизайну. Обов'язковою умовою є те, що ви вже вивчаєте образотворче мистецтво в Україні і були змушені втікати з України через війну.
AdBK Nuremberg is offering Ukrainian art students fleeing from the war an uncomplicated procedure for admission to the University of Fine Arts. The aim is to give students with projects and interests in the area of the AdBK Nuremberg's Fine Arts (Diploma) Courses space for their artistic work and research and a possibility to continue their studies after their arrival in Nuremberg.
Please note the following points for this purpose:
1. Provisional admission to the Fine Arts (Diploma) Program of the AdBK Nuremberg is possible after arrival and registration in Nuremberg and review of your documents by the Academy. The prerequisite is that you are studying Fine Arts in Ukraine and have to flee Ukraine due to the war. Please fill out the contact sheet as completely as possible. Please send the contact sheet to the students office via info@adbk-nuernberg.de.
2. As far as it is accessible to you, in addition to a digital portfolio we would be pleased to receive your CV, your university entrance qualification, proof of enrollment in a university, a copy of your passport, language certificates etc.
3. After reviewing the documents a counseling with one of AdBK Nurembergs professors is decisive for the selection. We will contact you as soon as possible and will get you in touch with one of our teachers.
4. An aptitude test will be necessary after two semester studying at AdBK Nuremberg.
5. Independent from this is your arrival in Nuremberg: first go to the AnkER facility. You can find assistance with the City of Nuremberg here. BAYHOST establishes a coordination office for Ukraine, which bundles support and assistance offers for Ukrainian students and scientists and is available to them as a contact point.
The AdBK Nuremberg strongly supports the statements of the German Rectors' Conference and the Rectors' Conference of the German Universities of Arts.