
Live Art Forms master's program is structured along three axes. These yield the artistic and discursive space in which artist's performative practices position themselves and the point of departure from which they launch and are made public.


TECHNE focuses on the use of contemporary technologies and media that support and host performative practices. It situates the artists’ live work in mixed and virtual realities, on a multiplicity of devices, as well as digital platforms. Courses contextualize students’ work by means of theoretical and artistic texts, writing practices, scoring and coding in human and machine languages.

SOMA places the body as a system at the center of artistic work and teaches expanded dramaturgies, movement- and body-based practices, choreography, embodied concepts and incorporated communal, infrastructural and planetary metabolisms. OPEN SOMA Shared Practice

GEOS supports the individual mapping of the threads of students’ practices — understood as navigating a path from one position to the next, from one instance of making-public to the other. These pathways are taught as a sequence of positions across disciplines, media and genres by negotiating the complex and multiplying vector space of contemporary aesthetic practice. 


The program features a uniquely structured course load with phases of intense, concentrated learning to accommodate students’ work both within and beyond the studios and stages of the academy. The course structure consists of a total of four one-month-long teaching phases in the fall, winter, spring and summer over the academic year. These phases require students’ presence on campus at the Fine Arts Academy in Nuremberg. They alternate with longer phases of more independent off-campus study, in which teaching is organized via digital platforms, facilitating regular exchange between mentors and students on their projects’ development. The campus-centered yet essentially low-residency character of the program allows participants to maintain their already established networks and pursue their individual projects independently in a global context. 


A group of Visiting Artist Lecturers and mentors from within and outside the academy ensure a multiplicity of worldviews, contexts, identities, and practices across disciplines and media to relate to students’ artistic work. As students themselves are involved in the process of proposing and choosing new mentors and visiting professors, their specific practice-oriented interests are addressed uniquely.

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Live Art Forms

Performative Practices Master's Program

Live Art Forms – Techne, Soma, and Geos, © VOJD 2023

As a recently developed master's program, Live Art Forms aims to teach a contemporary understanding of performance art, not as a discipline in between the visual and performing arts. Instead, we speak of it in terms of an undiscipline — a plurality of performative and aesthetic practices situated in a multiplicity of public spaces, on digital platforms and networked infrastructures, rooted in and spawning from the social and physical body.


The program enables students to grow with us towards these complex individual, collaborative, or collective performative practices in the spirit of artistic research and experimentation. We intend to foster and care for a multitude of worldviews and identities, despite the challenges of the current political climate.



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künstlerische Klassen

grundständiges und postgraduales Studienangebot


Lehramt Kunst am Gymnasium

Live Art Forms

Performative Practices Master's Program

kunstbezogene Wissenschaften

fächerübergreifendes Lehrangebot


Ausstattung, Techniken, Kursprogramm


Stipendienprogramme, Preise und Auszeichnungen


Lehrangebot der AdBK Nürnberg

International Office

Erasmus+, PROMOS und Stibet Programme

Studienangebot und Beratung

Lehrangebot, Studien- und Mappenberatung

Bewerbung und Aufnahmeverfahren

Wie bewerbe ich mich?


Bewerben bis 15. April 2025, 12 Uhr


Titel, Thesen, Argumente





die älteste Kunsthochschule im deutschsprachigen Raum


Sep Ruf & Hascher Jehle Architektur

Professorinnen und Professoren

wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Schaffen

Gremien und Beauftragte

akademische Selbstverwaltung


zentrale Einrichtungen


Zuständigkeiten & Kontakt


künstlerische & wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende

Chancengleichheit, Inklusion und Diversität

Leitbild der AdBK Nürnberg



Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg

Bingstr. 60, 90480 Nürnberg

Telefon: +49 911 9404 0

Fax: +49 911 9404 150

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Vorlesungszeit: Montag bis Freitag, 7.30-19 Uhr / Samstag 9-13 Uhr

Vorlesungsfreie Zeit: Montag bis Donnerstag, 8-17 Uhr / Freitag, 8-14.30 Uhr



Montag bis Donnerstag, 8-12 Uhr und 13-17 Uhr / Freitag, 8-12 Uhr und 13-14.30 Uhr



Montag bis Freitag, 8-12 Uhr

freitags nur telefonisch

Prüfungsamt/ International Office


Montag bis Donnerstag, 8-12 Uhr und 14-15 Uhr 

Freitag, 8-12 Uhr



Öffnungszeiten Vorlesungszeit / vorlesungsfreie Zeit:
Montag – Donnerstag: 9 – 12 Uhr und 13 – 16 Uhr
Freitag: 9 – 14 Uhr
Geschlossen an Samstagen, Sonntagen und Feiertagen.
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